Sunday, March 27, 2011

someone stole my car

so, thursday morning i go to yoga at my gym. it's at 8am which means i'm almost always in a hurry since the kids are getting up at 7ish (instead of 6ish) with the time change. i parked my car and ran into the play room to drop off the kids and then sprinted up the stairs to get there just in time to be part of the first down dog. i love yoga. i need yoga. ahhh.

i get done with yoga feeling completely stretched and relaxed, grab the kids and start walking out to my car. i get to where i thought i parked it and it's not there. since i was in a hurry and i go to the gym almost every day and park on the same side of the lot i figured i must just be going crazy and i'd parked somewhere else. but i didn't. i really couldn't find it.

so i dropped my kids back off at the play room and told the staff i couldn't find my car - i must be going crazy - and went to walk the parking lot by myself, expecting to find it without the kiddie distractions. no luck. the car was really gone.

so i went up and told the manager of the gym. and called the police. apparently i'm not the sharpest crayon in the box because i usually leave my diaper bag (and wallet) on the seat when i go into the gym. doh. i called aaron and had him cancel credit cards. i waited for the cops to show up. i filled out the police report. i was really in a "this can't seriously be happening" fog. i kept almost laughing. i think the cops thought i was a little nuts.

and then the next problem. the car had the car seats in it. how do i get the kids home? luckily a girl i've met a few times offered to take my kids home while i stayed at the gym with her kids. i had her take them to my parents' house since i was a little afraid to go home since my garage door opener was in the car too.

so we get to my parents house and i get a call from the police. they found my car - just 3 hours after it was stolen. and its "drivable". an interesting word to use. what does "drivable" mean? completely destroyed but you might be able to get it home without breaking down too often?

nope, it really was drivable. and fine. with the exception of the drivers side front window they bashed to get into the car. and it was less than a block from where it was taken. while i wasn't allowed to touch the car yet, the cop gave me a [much deserved and rather hilarious] lecture about not leaving my bag on the seat. and the criminalistics lady came and fingerprinted my car. and then we looked inside. my wallet was still there! he didn't take ANYTHING!!! it's in kind of a hidden pouch in my diaper bag and i guess the crook didn't see it in his hurry to bail out of the car. poor guy stole a car for only diapers.

moral #1 - don't leave your bag on the seat of your car when you live where i do.
moral #2 - if you're going to leave your bag on the seat, make sure you have a hidden pouch for your wallet.

i got really lucky and feel SOOOO blessed... mostly that i didn't have to spend 3 1/2 hours at the DMV getting my license replaced last week. whew! i'm the luckiest airhead alive!

sorry no pictures. the glass all over the car was rather entertaining, though! i'll leave it to your imagination!


McKinley {Haolepinos} said...

Ohh man!! I am sorry that happened, I am glad it was a happy ending though!

Amy said...

Wow! Crazy experience. Glad that nothing serious was taken!

JoSue said...

Oh my gosh! That is like my worst fear (among others) to not be able to find my car because someone took it! What are the chances...really. SOOO glad that everything turned out ok though.

I'll be sure to bring my purse in from now on even though it's just in the garage.

Fab Five said...

Wow! What a story! Glad everything turned out. And I can sympathize because there have been multiple times when I start to panic because I've forgotten where I've parked the car. I have a horrible memory and I'm terrible with directions... bad combination!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow. That's why we never lock our car...:) (broken glass, that is)

Amy L. Workman said...

I had my car broken into one time (not stolen though) and the thief left the $40 I had left oh so visible on the front seat and decided to steal my scriptures instead. I decided he/she must have needed them more than me... Glad everything turned out okay!

Erwin Calverley said...

Whoa. O.o I might have gone crazy if that happened to me. Good thing it went well. Take good care of your stuff next time!

Erwin Calverley