Wednesday, September 26, 2012

WWW Reunion 2012

Right before we moved, the girls and I went to my family reunion in San Diego.  Remember how Emery was home scary sick (105+ fever, pink eye - awesome) for a week?  Well Van got it too (all of us got pink eye, if the truth be told), so he and Aaron stayed home for a sick boys weekend and I took the girls to CA.  It was really fun to have a girls weekend, actually, and the boys had fun too!

And it was GREAT to see all of my wonderful family.  My dad took most of the pictures, but we enjoyed lots of things not pictured - the adult dinner, beach day (including some great waves with Auntie Britt and Abe and then with Emma too - so fun!), Steers (my grandma's family) reunion, and Izzy swimming with Grandpa, and just lots of fun relaxing and catching up with my family.  They are wonderful!! 

this baby was quite a hit at the adult dinner

and very loved by all the cousins

this beauty did lots of her favorite activity all weekend - Izzy holding
Izzy holding on the beach is the best kind

Em and my cousin Demi (my dad's baby sister is 20 years younger than him - her baby is 8 months younger than my Emery - fun, huh?)

Grandpa and the Abe man