Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How do you get your children to listen?

So, as the father of my children there are a few things I expect out of them. First and foremost that they listen to me. I keep telling them to stop growing, but they refuse to listen. Just look at Van. Standing, smiling, laughing, trying to crawl up the stairs. Before your know it he'll be going to college. He is not suppose to be growing so fast.

How do you get your children to listen?


McKinley {Haolepinos} said...

Well first it is always good to lay down ground rules. Let them know that there are consequences if they choose the wrong choice. For example, you have to let them know if they keep growing you will be forced to give them another little brother or sister. If that does not work then you can always put them on time out I have found that children respond best to this. If all else fails stop time! There you go... advice from someone who has never had kids. hahaha

janaemadsen said...

here I am trying to get my children to be quiet...

David and Maggi said...

Aaron, you make darn cute babies. Van sure is looking a lot like his daddy.