Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The circus and a hockey game

We have done two things we've never done before this year already (thanks to my friend Marissa who finds out about all of these fun things and lets me in on the secret...and lets us tag along...).  We went to the circus and to a hockey game!  They were both really fun! 

At the circus, we couldn't convince Emery to ride anything but the pony.... meaning her pony obsession led to her not being able to ride an elephant!  Stubborn little girl.  :)  My kids had cotton candy for the first time, too, at the circus, which they loved and Emery had her face painted for the 1st time.  Emery's favorite act was the girls who climbed the ropes and did tricks and Van loved the motorcycles doing jumps (of course).  

Van and his best buddy Tyler watching the elephant

Van riding his pony

Emery the butterfly

Van LOVED the hockey game.  He yelled at the ref with the other fans, danced to every song and clapped vigorously for every goal.  I think we have a sports fan on our hands!!

crazy mom and cute girl


Janssen said...

Britt, you are so pretty it's ridiculous.