Monday, January 24, 2011

i'm a mormon mommy blogger

i'm a mormon mommy blogger. and proud to be one. i know i don't make an impact like some of the big time mormon mommy bloggers out there, but i hope that at some point i can show someone, somewhere that my life is just as magical as i write it to be. i'm so thankful to be a blogging, baking, diaper changing, almost always pregnant or nursing, tear-wiping, furniture renovating, budgeting master, booger wiping, clearance shopping, meal giving, make believing, laundry doing, foodie, husband pampering, lucky wife, LDS church going stay-at-home-mom.

this article made me so glad there are lots of us who do make an impact on the outside world - even if i don't.


janaemadsen said...

oh i like that article.

McKinley {Haolepinos} said...

OMG I was just going to ask if you read this article? My sister shared it with me on Sunday. I am sooooo glad you read it too. I feel the exact same way and sorta wanted to write a blog about it but wasn't sure what to say or what my point even would have been. I am soooooooooo glad you did a post about this. You have a darling blog and I am so glad that you do so I can read all your funny stories!! So thank you for being a mormon mommy blogger!

PS I think this article is a testimony of why the General Authority encouraged woman to write blogs.

sonna said...

your life IS magical (not just your blog!) you are so awesome Britt... thanks for being an inspirational friend.

HW said...

I really liked the article. And I think you do a great job of championing your lifestyle. It IS fun to be a mommy and to be married to someone you adore!

Jessica said...

I am glad you are all that too! You are a talented, thoughtful, practical, adventurous... (I could go on!) mother and our world needs more of your kind.

It just goes to show that we can have it all--even if that all isn't what the world sees. I am so happy to be a woman AND know that I am a daughter of God and that he has a specific purpose for all of his daughters.

Cheers to womanhood/mommyhood/sisterhood!