Sunday, May 27, 2007


I'm pregnant!! Above is Baby Wilk's first picture at about 6 weeks, but I'm about 9 weeks now. (For those of you experienced moms saying - "Why'd she get an ultra sound at 6 weeks?" - it's a long story... call me sometime and I'll tell you!) I'm due December 30 so my future accountant husband (and me too) is requesting all of your prayers for a 2007 baby because we'll get a bigger tax return! All is well so far with the pregnancy. I've felt really good except for some nausea... which actually almost disappeared last week so we're hoping that is not a fleeting trend.

Despite the myth that "all men want boys first", Aaron is dying for a little girl and says he's positive it is one. He now refers to my belly as "she" and it is contagious because I'm calling it she now as well. Only time will tell, but boy or girl I want the baby to look just like it's daddy... see my favorite baby picture of Aaron below. Sooo cute!


HW said...

Hooray, hooray!! I can't imagine a luckier baby to have you guys for parents. My neighbor promised to send the name of that MFM in SLC this weekend, but it looks like you've already got someone taking care of you.

Oh wow! I just wish you the best of everything and NO MORE feeling sick and tired. (But I won't hold my breath!) Good luck!

kathywim said...

My daughter is going to have a baby! It still almost doesn't seem real. I had a dream last night that you had a good size poochy stomach and, of course, you were adorable. We are so excited to have our 4th grandbaby and agree that "she" will be one lucky baby to have you two as parents. See you tonight!

angi said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I can't help remembering how out-of-our-minds excited Keith and I were when we found out we were pregnant for the first time. I can't think of many things more exciting and wondrous. I know pregnancy isn't all roses, but it is a literal miracle that unfolds daily before your eyes - treasure it.

I hope your baby looks like that darling picture of Aaron too - but with some of your baby hot-looks too. I took photos of you at about 2 years old for my high school photo class - you were a babe Britt!

From our big family to your cute little one .... mmmmmmmwah! (that was a big kiss BTW!)


Ang & Family