Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Turkey injected with brine, my dad’s stuffing, mashed potatoes, creamed corn, peach melba pie and my Aunt Ellen’s pumpkin pie bars
Huggable, kissable, squishable little “Squirrel”, my best little buddy
Aaron, a man so dedicated and faithful to his family and humble in so many ways

Nature and the joy it brings me, even if I don’t enjoy it as much as I’d like
Kisses – the romantic kind and the sloppy, wet, open-mouthed attempt from my little Em
Family, both the one I was born into and the one I inherited when I married Aaron
Understanding through the Spirit – of the scriptures, of trials and of life in general
Lord’s goodness to us this year and always

I tag anyone reading this! What are you thankful for?

em is officially a climber. watch! (it looks like i'm holding her up, but i'm not! she's just hanging!)

cute face and a tiny dancer. she's so funny when she dances!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

sick em

my poor girly was acting a little cranky yesterday and i attributed it to this 2 naps to 1 nap transition she's trying to pull... until she went to bed early and then woke up an hour later unconsolable with a temperature of about 102!! poor baby! she was just so sad and sick... it was so sad. except for one part - SHE CUDDLED ME!!! she never cuddles. i feel really bad saying it was wonderful (because she was only cuddly because she was sick), but she's feeling a little bit better now so i guess it's okay! here's how it went...
poor sick squirrely girl

mommy - sad for her girl but loves being cuddled

video - after having some baby tylenol, a blessing from daddy and ben (thanks again ben!) and cuddling with mom for a little bit. you'd never even know she had a temperature over 100!

then she crashed again for the night and was pretty much up and down all night, wouldn't sleep unless she was on top of me and was a flaming ball of heat all night! she's sleeping a lot and not eating as much as usual today, but i think she's going to be fine!

and just for fun... captain hook's biggest fear - the dread pirate emery!

and this is the funny girl the other morning. she didn't want mommy or daddy to bug her yet. she wanted blankey, froggy and to sit in the corner of her crib. so independent. :) does anyone else love that face as much as i do? argh!!!!!

okay i'm done now! :)

Friday, November 7, 2008

10 month birthday, halloween and funny sleeper

happy 10 month birthday, em! you learned all sorts of new tricks from grandma and grandpa (that mommy's been trying to get you to do for forever!) when they came last weekend. you give kisses, wave bye bye (only for grandma i think - we can't get her to do it again), play peakaboo with your blankey or your hands and dance!! its so cute! i'm also suspecting that you know that i'm "mamama" and daddy is "dadada". i can't believe you're growing up so fast.

here are some 10 month pictures (a week late) in nothing but leggings and big girl pig tails, some pictures of our little tinkerbell and some of emery's funniest sleeping moments.

emery attack (those are my legs...)

peakaboo tink

it's almost nap time...

bum in the air sleeping...

sleeping on her legs...

prima donna sleeper...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Congratulations, President Obama

I didn't vote for Barrack Obama, but I was less than surprised to see him win last night. I voted mostly happily (with some exceptions) for John McCain, but just a few thoughts on the election from a now-Obama supporter.

Despite the issues with which President-elect Obama and I disagree, I will support him as I have President Bush. I will have hope in his leadership, I will keep him in my prayers. I honestly hope he is everything that McCain supporters (me included) claimed he isn't for the last 2 years. I hope he continues to inspire people. Though many of his policies do not inspire me, the way he inspired so many Americans to get involved in our political process does.

I honestly got warm fuzzies last night listening to his acceptance speech. I am proud to be an American. I am proud to be a citizen of a country that has come so far. Being a student and lover of the study of early American slavery, politics, etc. it is beautiful to watch the transformation that has brought this country to where it stands now - a place in which all Americans can live the American dream. Maybe even closer to a country in which we really judge each other not by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character.
Congratulations, President Obama. Our democracy has spoken. You have my support.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

messy eater